Looking for a fishing tool that will enhance your Santee Cooper Rig style? Look no further than our catfish Spook Rattle Floats. These floats are designed to keep your bait off the bottom, ensuring you attract the attention of fish swimming just off the bottom. Our Rattle Floats come in a Santee Style Rig, featuring premium quality artwork that will make you stand out on any fishing trip. The 4" Premium Extra Rattle Spook produces an enticing rattle sound thanks to its innovative ball system.
Thanks to its high-quality construction, our Spook Rattle Floats are built to last and withstand even the toughest conditions on any fishing trip.
Upgrade your Santee Cooper Rig style today and get ready for an unforgettable day of fishing with our incredible Spook Rattle Floats!
Each 10/0 Rig comes with 80 lb. Leader Line, spook, rattles, swivel, and sinker slide.
Each 8/0 and 6/0 comes with 80 lb. Leader line, spook, rattles, swivel and sinker slide.
10/0 hook size could receive circle hook or hybrid off set circle.
You will receive a 5 pack of the Tennessee Lightning Bug.